Cuish Mexicano Mezcal




Cuish Mexicano Mezcal 750ml
Founded 2009, Cuish was the first modern mezcaleria in Oaxaca City, dedicated to promoting and protecting traditional mezcales. Production choices are left entirely to the maestros and the local traditions in which they work; each batch is a snapshot of the people and place from which it comes.
Maguey mexicano (Agave rhodacantha) is also known as “dobadaan” in some regions, which is its local name in Zapotec. Though exact numbers are unknown, some speculate that there are seven or more sub-varieties of Maguey Mexicano that each produce different characteristics in mezcal. Some of those include Maguey mexicano penca larga, mexicano penca corta, mexicano liso, chontal, and amarillo grande. Many of these sub-varietals are very different looking plants.


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