Real de 1950 Mezcal Reposado 750ml




Real de 1950 Mezcal Reposado 750ml
Mezcal Real De 1950 Reposado Produced and bottled in Santiago Matatlan Oaxaca, its true to its tradition and it’s not diluted by industrial process it’s made 100% artisanal. Aged for 8 months in oak barrels, this aged mezcal is intensely smoky butterscotch and candle aromas on the nose displaying a weighty character with tar, some heat to it with forest floor aromas and pine on the palate. Very minerally and dry on the finish. Ready to be sipped and savored.
Class: 100% of Agave Espadín
Aged: 8 months
Cooking: Earthen “Horno” lined with flat volcanic rocks
Fermentation: Wooden Vats
Aroma: Intensely smoky butterscotch and candle aromas
Palate: Pine
Finish: Minerally and dry
Agave: Espadin
Style: Artisian Mezcal Distillery
Barrel: Oak
Distillation: Copper Pots
Tradition: Artisanal
Alc Vol: 40%
Nom: 0134X


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