Lamata Cucharilla Agave Spirits




Lamata Cucharilla Agave Spirits 750ml
Lamata Cucharilla is produced by Lázaro Monjaraz in Yutanduchi de Guerrero, a traditional Mixtec community about 4 hours from Oaxaca City. Lázaro, also known as “Hacha”, comes from generations of mezcal producers in his family. His wife Catalina often manages the fermentation and distillation while Hacha is working the countryside, cutting agave, and arranging the oven. dasylirion Serratifolium is a species that can reach ages of over 100 years. Besides distillation, the plant has decorative and culinary uses. After the plants are cooked underground, they are hand mashed using a mallet and machete. The cooked and smashed agave is fermented in food-grade plastic bins with spring water. It is distilled in clay and steel hybrid pot. The bottom half is steel which is less fragile than a full clay pot. Proof is adjusted using heads and tails.


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