Writer’s Tears Cask Strength Irish Whisky 750ml
An exceptional marriage of aged Single Pot Still and aged Single Malt Irish whiskeys, bursting with character and flavour. Each year Bernard Walsh selects a handful of exceptional casks to make this the benchmark for Super Premium Cask Strength Irish Whiskey. This Vintage release selects only the finest distillates of Single Pot Still & Single Malt Irish Whiskey, matured in exceptional American Oak casks. Non-chill filtered, this whiskey is a full-bodied, high strength, flavoursome whiskey,
Appearance / ColorGoldNose / Aroma / SmellAromas of pear drops and candied fruits.Flavor / Taste / PalateNotes of heather honey, fennel and cinnamon spice.FinishA hint of creamy, chewy toffee.
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