Tiki Lovers Dark Rum 750ml




Tiki Lovers Dark Rum 750ml
57% alc 
Tiki Lovers Dark Rum is the perfect marriage between Rum from Barbados, aged between 2 and 3 years and unaged Jamaican pot-still Rum.
The barrels of the chosen Barbados Rum age on tropical shores, exposed to the sea breeze, warm climate and are high on evaporation rate, leading to a more complex and balanced spirit. 
The final touch is a small blend of fresh column-still Rums from both Trinidad and Guyana for ultimate complexity, rounded-off with 3-5 years-old Trinidadian Rum. 
Tiki Lovers Dark Rum is fantastic on it’s own but shines bright in cocktails like the Mai Tai, Rum Punches, Fog Cutter and Zombie. 


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