Envuelto Blanco Tequila 750ml
100% Blue Weber Agave Tequila. Small-batch. Wrapped in the essence of Mexico. We’re deeply passionate about the way our Tequila looks, smells, tastes, and feels. We believe that a single sip can carry you on a sensory journey to the heart of the Tequila Valley in Amatitán – where our skilled Jimadores and artisans wrap Mexico’s identity and traditions into every step of production.
What begins in the mineral-rich volcanic soil of Jalisco’s Tequila Valley eventually touches your lips – offering you a full-bodied, cultural experience that can only be found within this extraordinary small-batch spirit we call Tequila Envuelto.
Soraya –
Very smooth and drinkable. Not too complex, nice notes of cooked agave and citrus. Great for Margarita’s we ended up sipping it.
Chris Ornellas –
Very smooth sipping blanco without the strong vanilla flavor.
Vincent –
Excellent Blanco, I perceived cooked agave citrus. super drinkable and smooth
Audrey –
very nice and drinkable, smooth blanco. not too complex.