O’rte Tequila Anejo Single Estate 750ml
O’RTE is an ultra-premium, 100% Blue Weber Agave, single-estate tequila with complex flavors that suit the distinguished palettes of those who appreciate the finer things in life.
We view the craft of tequila as an art form and an expression of our personal passion. Our master tequilero approaches his craft with deep reverence, patience and care for each step in the process.
We chose to work with a single estate for the strong sense of place and the ability to work with generations of family and staff. We participate in every step of the harvesting and selection process and the end result is a celebration of Mexico’s spirits and cuisine, glorious ancient treasures and pristine landscapes.
Floral aromas, including hints of gardenia, mild citrus, light chocolate, but still lots of agave present
Honey, butter, cooked agave, vanilla and light caramel sweetness
Oily, with notes of brown spice and pepper
Nom 1438
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