San Matias Tahona Reposado Tequila




San Matias Tahona Reposado Tequila 750ml
Tequila slightly golden wheat, very bright clean and transparent, with golden highlights, denotes great body by its slow descent of the “Legs” in cup, rupture of surface tension after 40 seconds.
Aroma of ripe fruits, vanilla and lactic aroma of lightweight minerality butter and in its ethereal explosion. I get notes of bread crush, honey and notes of sweet hazelnuts seeds.
Taste.. Sweet intense, mineral sapidity and adequate acidity, meeting roundness and harmony in its flavor.
Food-pairing ,,Light astringency by its acidity and sapidity, it is not spicy and its passage is silky, prolonged end of mouth and specious of sweet cinnamon.
Aging.. 3 months


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