5 Sentidos Espadin Con Mandarina




5 Sentidos Espadin Con Mandarina 750ml
This small, California-only batch of “Espadin con Madarina” is the result of young mezcalero Eduardo “Lalo” Perez Cortez’s experimentation with distilling seasonal ingredients along with locally harvested Espadin. To make this batch, he roasted ripe Espadin (a. Angustifolia) in an underground conical oven for five days with oak with oak as fire wood, then crushed the cooked agave with wooden mallets and machetes to create a fermentable mash. That mash was allowed to dry-ferment for three days, then Lalo added well water to the mash and allowed it to ferment for an additional twelve days. Once fermentation was deemed complete he distilled the mash once in a copper alembic still; that spirit is called “xixe”. Lalo then added approximately 20 kilograms of peeled, deseeded mandarina oranges to the boiling chamber of the still and distilled them along with the “xixe”. Distilled in late October 2023 with the intention of consuming during Día De Los Muertos. Approximately 100 Liters produced – 50 Liters were exported to the US, while the rest of the batch was consumed locally. Bottled February 2024.
45.8% Alc/Vol


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