Bajarriba Anejo Tequila 750ml
Tres Cabo Amigos are excited to share their love for the Baja in a bottle. This tequila represents many good times amongst three friends that have Cabo San Lucas Mexico in common and a passion for some of the most exquisite tequila available in the world. If the term “Caboholic” resonates with you, then you too will understand what it’s like to bounce around on the Baja roads visiting some of the most popular beach locations designated on our front label. Whether you are a fisherman, an off-road racer, a traveler of dirt roads, a sailor, surfer, or a fan of great tequila, we welcome you to share the exceptional taste of BAJARRIBA TEQUILA!
Single Barrel Anejo that has been rested a full 21 months in an American white oak whiskey barrel.
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