Batanga Tequila Blanco




Batanga Tequila Blanco 750ml
Batanga, born in the heart of Tequila, is made using 100% blue Weber agave with traditional, old-world methods, that have been used for generations. Our jimadors hand-harvest the agave piñas from the agave fields, which are then cooked in traditional style masonry brick ovens, imparting nuances of cinnamon, clove and other warming spices from the delicate process of caramelizing sugars. The ‘mosto’ released is then fermented and double distilled, giving Batanga the crisp, bright finish that has won the hearts of people near and far. 
Batanga Blanco offers extraordinary brilliance, clarity and a great body. It’s crisp with flavors of pineapple, guava, hints of cinnamon, clove and warming spices.


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