Buffalo Trace Distillery O.F.C. 1996 Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Colonel E.H. Taylor Jr. christened the O.F.C. Distillery in 1870 and this legendary whiskey brand has been revered ever since. The most state-of-the-art distillery of its era featured copper fermentation vats, column stills, and a first-of-its-kind steam heating system, still used in our aging warehouses today. This very rare and collectable bourbon honors the O.F.C. Distillery, a National Historic Landmark known today as Buffalo Trace Distillery. Each hand-cut crystal bottle is vintage dated according to the specific year in which the bourbon was distilled. Enjoy this whiskey of a bygone era, sourced from barrels of yesteryear.
Tasting notes for this bourbon describe cherry cordial on the nose followed by caramel and slightly smoked-oak. Dark chocolate, tobacco leaves and dates are found on the palate, followed by a lingering finish of leather, black pepper and cinnamon.
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