Calumet Farm 10 Year Old Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Calumet Farm 10 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is Non-Chill Filtered to help capture the bold essence of this premium Kentucky spirit. Crafted in 50 barrel batches, this robust bourbon showcases the development of our traditional ‘high rye’ mash bill over time. This bourbon is planted firmly in the center of our Legacy Series expressions and possesses traditional flavors, as well as offering added depth in both nose and finish. This 10 Year Old Calumet Farm Bourbon is offered in honor of the famous thoroughbred sire, Bull Lea.
Color | Deep reds and amber with golden highlights
Nose | After Breathing: Softer notes of caramel and vanilla appear after bold oak and tannic notes
Taste | Bold, traditional flavors of caramel, leather, wood char and toasted honey present on the palate
Finish | Robust flavors are punctuated by a captivating finish of oak and soft baking spices
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