Cava de Oro Barrica Selecta Cask Strength Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml
Cava de Oro Barrica Selecta Cask Strength Extra Anejo Tequila
Single barrel
44%ALC 750ml
Cava de Oro Barrica Selecta Cask Strength Extra Anejo Tequila
Single barrel
44%ALC 750ml
Tom Segner –
The Cava de Oro Extra Anejo Tequila is far superior in taste and value. This has a slight burn and less taste unlike the Cava de Oro Extra Anejo Tequila. I was hoping and more than twice the cost it would be far better tasting, not the case. I would buy 2 of the other before I will pay $200 for this . I would like any suggestions at what a better tequila for $200 would be
Dan –
Tastes good, but not worth $115 more than cava de oro extra Anjeo at $85.