Celosa Rose Tequila




Celosa Rose Tequila 750ml
Celosa is an 100% organic joven tequila, we only use 7 year old blue weber agaves that is grown and harvested in the highlands of the state of Jalisco, Mexico. The secret of Celosa lies in the blend of traditional know-how, and a unique process which lets the tequila rest in recently used red wine French oak barrels. This innovative process softens the tequila and gives it a silky finish along with a distinctive, rosé colour.
Nose On the nose, Celosa reveals pleasant notes of cherry counterbalanced by the freshness of tropical citrus fruits.
Palate On the palate there is the crispness of the berries combined with the softness of vanilla.
Final The flavour of the wine barrel will leave you with a long, sweet & smooth finish.


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