Ciroc Summer Watermelon Vodka 750ml

(1 customer review)




Ciroc Summer Watermelon is a rich tasting spirit made with vodka five times distilled from fine French grapes, finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France. The vodka is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of fresh tasting, ripe Summer Watermelons and other natural flavors, resulting in a delectably juicy fresh taste accented by a sweetness and zest that carries into a smooth finish.
The liquid is packaged in a luxurious and sultry red and white bottle with sleek matte red lettering, commemorating a fiery hot summer celebration. CIROC Summer Watermelon can be enjoyed on the rocks or mixed with a variety of fresh ingredients such as pineapple juice, cranberry juice, lemonade and lime.
35% alc

1 review for Ciroc Summer Watermelon Vodka 750ml

  1. Angela Hendricks

    Great for Strawberry Daiquiri’s! OMG – it is the best. can not find it here in NC because it’s a summer edition but I wish I could. Will be ordering more from Old Town Tequila when we run out! You guys are the BEST!❤️

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