Don Elias Anejo Tequila 750ml

(7 customer reviews)




Don Elias Anejo Tequila 750ml
After aging for at least one year, this tequila is classified as an “Anejo”. Don Elias distillers are required to age Anejo Tequila in barrels that do not exceed 600 liters. This aging process darkens the Tequila to an amber color, and the flavor becomes smoother, richer and more complex.

7 reviews for Don Elias Anejo Tequila 750ml

  1. Albert Traille

    Best bang for the price!!

  2. Janice Brown

    It is a very smooth tequila. A little too sweet for me but is tastysmooth

  3. Rodolfo Valencia

    This is one of my favorite sipping Tequilas as a desert. Don Elias Extra Añejo is even better. If you enjoy aTequila Sunrise, it will be your favorite drink when mixed with Don Elias Añejo!

  4. Elias Galvan

    Smooth to be siping the tequila.

  5. Marvin Rouhotas MD

    We love the product. The shipping took 14 days to travel 4 hrs. from San Diego to Bakersfield. unacceptable for q $14.00 shipping charge. Disappointing.
    This isn’t the first time that we have waited for the shipment to arrive.

  6. Mike

    I can’t count how many times people have urged me to try their “sipping” tequila only to have the same reaction, it’s tequila. Not so with Don Elias. More often than not these days, no margaritas, just Don Elias on ice.
    Don’t get me started on the Extra Anejo.

  7. Mike

    Finally an affordable true “sipping” tequila. I love it!

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