Dr. Stoner’s Licor De Tequila Hierba Madura




Dr. Stoner’s Licor De Tequila Hierba Madura 750ml
(Bourbon Barrel Finished Tequila)
Dr. Stoner’s Tequila Hierba Madura is made by maturing our Tequila Hierba Loca in freshly dumped Virginia bourbon barrels. The agave is caramelized in a stone oven, then infused with Dr. Stoner’s special stash of herbs. The initial taste and aroma is a silky smooth bourbon flavor. This is followed by the familiar agave flavor, fruity, floral and slightly smoky. At 84 proof, this one of a kind premium tequila is perfect for sipping poured neat, chilled, or served straight up. It’s remarkably smooth and unique from any other barrel aged tequila.


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