Kurayoshi Malt Whisky Sherry Cask Aged 8 Years 750ml
Matured in oak casks and finished in sherry casks, this whisky has sweet and mature aromas including raisins and pears to the aromas of biscuits and cookies created by over 8 years of aging. The sherry casks add a toasty warm quality to the whisky as well as a rich whisky-cask fragrance that is gorgeous and refreshing. Fresh ground water from the wilderness of the Tottori prefecture is a blessing from the earth and is used to bring the whisky to proof. It is a very tasty, mellow characteristic of whisky deserving of the name Kurayoshi, the city of water and green. Each bottle is crafted with love in an environment with lots of nature and little population, perfect for making whisky. Please enjoy in your own way. This whisky is NOT chill-filtered.
48% alc
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