Lamata Madrecuixe Agave Spirits




Lamata Madrecuixe Agave Spirits 750ml
Sosimo Jarquin is rapidly becoming a sought-after name in Oaxacan mezcal, yet he works alone and produces a truly tiny amount of mezcal annually—working one harvest and just one oven load—in a process that lasts from September to April. Taking roughly 9–12 years to reach maturity, this regional example of Madrecuixe (A. karwinskii) is a clone-only subspecies, high in woody fiber and often yielding distinct notes of peanut shells, green banana, cacao, and petrichor with tropical highlights distinct to the Miahuatlán region. Pairing just as delightfully with dessert as pad thai, this batch drinks beautifully now and has tremendous aging potential for years to come.


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