Maiz Nation Whiskey Anejo 700ml
This whiskey was distilled from four ancient corn varietals that are cultivated in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. These are Chalqueño, Bolita, Tepecintle and Olotillo. From the dawn of agriculture their seeds have been selected and handed down to each succeeding generation by Zapotec, Mixtec and Chinantec knowledge keepers and farmers. Each carefully selected varietal comes from a specific regional ecosystems.
The Chalqueño corn is from a community located at over 9,000 feet above sea level in the Sierra Mixteca. The Tepecintle comes from the rain forested slopes ofthe Lower Chinantla. The Olotillo grows on the coastal plains along the Pacific Ocean, while the fast-growing Bolita can be cultivated in the high Sierra, the central valleys, or in the low-lying tropics. Each comes in fantastic shades of red, yellow, purple, blue, black and white and all are sourced directly from the smallholding farmers who today are the custodians of a Mesoamerican scientific legacy born some 6,500 years ago.
Handcrafted off-grid at SolCraft Distillery in Oaxaca, MexicoVery slowly distilled on small, copper pot alembicsNon chill-filtered
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