Mundo De Oro Tequila Anejo
Mundo De Oro Tequila Anejo 750ml
Aroma and flavor: Smooth with notes of chocolate, vanilla, wood, cooked agave, almonds and walnuts with sweet agave.
Aging: 14 months.
Barrels: White French oak barrels.
Clifton Billings –
I’ve never tasted a 5 star tequila. But this would be close. Very smooth with no after taste or burn.
Clifton Billings –
Very smooth. I’m still what most would call a rookie when it comes to tequila. I’ve only really gotten into tasting when the pandemic hit. Guessing we’ve sampled about 100. Has a little bit of a wood and caramel taste without any burn. This is why I bought a 2nd bottle.