Pal’alma Cafe de Olla Agave Spirits




Pal’alma Cafe de Olla Agave Spirits 750ml
If you’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting a warm mug of Café de Olla in Mexico, this mezcal will be transportive. Café de Olla is a style of coffee-making in which the coffee grounds are essentially stewed in a single pot along with piloncillo (dense, semi-raw sugar) and warm spices—most commonly canela (cinnamon). The rich, sweet profile of the brew is lovingly recreated in this mezcal, with additional botanicals filling out the subtlest aromatic notes of the heirloom coffee beans, and the generous softness of the piloncillo masking the heady proof of 59%. Move over, Espresso Martini—we’ve got something a million times better. 


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