QuiQuiRiQui Matatlan Espadin Joven Mezcal




QuiQuiRiQui Matatlan Espadin Joven Mezcal
45% Alcohol, 90 Proof. 750 mL
Product of Mexìco
This unaged (Joven) Mezcal is produced the village of Santiago Matatlan, famed for its long history of Mezcal production. Made using locally grown, mature Espadin Agave, Quiquiriqui Matatlan has a smooth taste with distinct roasted agave flavors and a peppery finish that is characteristic with the Espadin agave. The agave are roasted in fire pits, crushed using a Tahona (stone wheel) then fermented outside in oak vats relying on natural airborne yeasts. The final process is a double distillation in small copper stills.