Revel Spirit’s mission is to deliver the finest organic spirits available utilizing fair-trade and sustainable farming practices. Our product, while having the same foundation as Tequila, is made from Weber blue agave in the Morelos region of Mexico, by a group of families who perfected their distillation processes until their handcrafting created a spirit that became known as Avila. Far smoother than even the best of Tequilas, our triple distilled agave spirit called Revel Avila® goes down easy making you instantly aware that our craft spirit is special.
80 Proof – 750 ml
Triple Distilled
100% Puro De Agave (Weber Blue Agave)
Cortrell R. Gaskins –
Smooth to the palette. Not harsh when it hits the back of the throat. Looking forward to buying more.
Teola Powell –
When will it be available in Kansas City, Missouri?