Somrus Chai Cream Liqueur 750ml
You will love this symphony of cardamom, almond, pistachio, saffron and a hint of rose that is enhanced by fresh dairy cream, and decadent rum. While creamy, it’s also light, and reminiscent of the Chai flavor so many enjoy.
NoseHalo of distinctive cardamom waft blended with a teasing aroma of rose; this collective enchantment evaporates into an ocean of freshness which lines every fleck of the respiratory tract with its smooth and satisfying bouquet.
TasteA symphony on the tongue from the get-go with a silky smooth texture and an ethereal body that jaunts playfully into the mouth; taste reveals a delicate treble of cardamom and rose followed by a bass of nutty almonds and pistachios; saffron adds a faint crescendo of cymbals to this ensemble.
FinishA silky river of mythical SomruS flowing through the mouth with an elongated and delectably layered rainbow of fresh, eastern flavors striving for that perfect moment; subtly chased by a graceful rendition of molasses with hand crafted Caribbean rum, altogether fading into an instant of esculent Nirvana.
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