Terra Mädi Tempranillo Crianza Queretaro Mexico




Terra Mädi Tempranillo Crianza Queretaro Mexico 750ml
Terra Mädi is the new line of wines from Freixenet Mexico produced at Finca Sala Vivé, their winery in Ezequiel Montes, Querétaro in central Mexico. The Terra Mädi line is a true blend of European production techniques with Mexican terroir and is thusly reflected in the name which means Beloved Earth — Terra is the Catalan word for “Earth” and Mädi is the Otomí word for “Loved”. The Otomis are the indigenous peoples of Central Mexico. The Otomî culture is also represented in the Terra Mädi logo with the use of the hummingbird, a popular cultural icon, surrounded by the artistic embroidery common to the regional clothing.
Brightgarnetredcolorwithruby hues, good density.  Fruity and floral aromatic intensity thus evoking the aromas of red fruits, plums, tobacco, red flowers, and cherries denoting notes of vanilla and coconut. Elegant wine, lively acidity characteristic of the region, ending in a velvety and smooth tannin after taste.


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