Tiki Lovers Pineapple Flavored Rum 750ml




Tiki Lovers Pineapple Flavored Rum 750ml
Tiki Lovers Pineapple Flavored Rum is based on all natural extracts of tropical pineapples sourced from South America. 
The Pineapple Rum blend is composed of superior quality flavored rum, crafted by well known and highly regarded distilleries from Jamaica and Barbados, and made with column-still Rums from both Trinidad and Guyana. 
Tiki Lovers Pineapple Flavored Rum is then made with natural pineapple extraction and allowed to rest. This gives the flavors of sugar cane time to mingle elegantly with fruity layers of juicy pineapple, while maintaining the full and complex aromas of the blend. 
Tiki Lovers Pineapple Flavored Rum is bold and funky, it is not hiding its personality and it stands out where it should. Best used in all tropical drinks or with ginger ale/beer. 
45% alc 


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