Tiki Lovers White Rum 750ml
TIKI LOVERS White Rum is a delicious blend composed of aged and unaged Rums from the Caribbean, with the backbone of TIKI LOVERS White Rum coming from the lush and fragrant shores of Jamaica.
The chosen rums are pot-still distilled and are heavy with esters, creating the impression of rich banana flavor and cooked fruits.
The blending process, fine art for centuries, includes rum, aged up to 5 years, from Trinidad’s most famous distillery. We then strip the rum of color by charcoal filtration, but maintains its full flavor, intensified by the aging time in black charred, old Bourbon barrels.
In a final flourish, a crisp, fresh, and crystal-clear column still rum from Trinidad is added, creating a premium white rum at a sumptuous 50% Alc. Vol. with complex fruity and floral notes.
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