Voga Prosecco Brut




Voga Prosecco Brut  750ml
The innovative spirit of VOGA Italia is unmistakable in our stylishly adorned VOGA Prosecco bottle while the Brut wine inside is crisp, clean, refreshingly full-flavored and sure to please.
Aromas of underripe nectarine, toasted marshmallow with lemon curd and sea salt with a supple, crisp, effervescent, dryish light-to-medium body and a tingling, breezy chalk, Italian orange peel, roasted almond and lime sorbet finish. 11% ABV
Delicious on its own, VOGA Prosecco takes the guess work out of food and wine pairings. Highly versatile, it’s the perfect match to a wide variety of foods from seafood to cream sauces to Asian flavors. Perfect with eggs, it’s a natural for brunch. Enjoy with antipasto platters or just snacking on almonds, chips or even buttery popcorn. Impeccable with cobblers, pies, cookies and birthday cake, VOGA Prosecco in a natural, crowd-pleasing choice for any occasion.


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