Whistlepig The Boss Hog The Samurai Scientist 750ml
On the rare occasion that Dave Pickerell’s five promises are realized, we release a whiskey that epitomizes WhistlePig’s odyssey to unlock the potential of Rye Whiskey.
The Boss Hog Edition 六 is the first American Whiskey finished using Japanese Umeshu, the result of a true collaboration between WhistlePig and Kitaya brewery on Japan’s Kyushu island.
This well aged Straight Rye Whiskey was created using koji fermentation. Each bottle is adorned with The Samurai Scientist – Jōkichi Takamine – who pioneered koji fermentation in the American whisky industry over a century ago.
Intensely aromatic, with cinnamon, maple, and toasted marshmallow that develops with time in the glass.
Tobacco, ginger, baking spices, and savory umami creating a remarkably rich, nuanced and elegant profile lending to soft, sweet notes that further color the mosaic of flavor.
Incredibly long, with oak spice, char, and just a touch of smoke lingers as the finish fades.
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