Wyoming Whiskey Double Cask Straight Bourbon 750ml




Wyoming Whiskey Double Cask Straight Bourbon 750ml
A whiskey gets its color and character from the cask in which it ages and matures. This Double Cask whiskey goes through the process twice. The first five years of maturation in a new charred oak barrel makes it a bourbon. That bourbon then experiences secondary maturation in decades-old casks seasoned by Pedro Ximenez sherry that adds a touch of sweetness, and yields a smooth and impressively complex spirit.
COLOR: copper to mahogany
NOSE: autumnal notes of dried apricot, mission fig, and dried date
PALATE: stewed prune and black raisin, with hints of candied orange peel; vanilla butter cream and toffee underneath
MOUTHFEEL: rich, sticky cinnamon roll with raisins and spice
FINISH: dark dried fruit, followed by warming brown baking spices
50% alc 


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