El Gran Legado De Vida Reposado Tequila 750ml
This incredible new Tequila from the Cascahuin distillery (NOM 1123) has been generating quite the buzz. It has earned its certified Additive Free by Tequila Matchmaker, made using mature agaves grown in Michoacán. The agaves are cooked via steam injection in Cascahuin’s traditional stone ovens for 3 days and then given an extra day to cool down before being crushed on the distillery’s roller mill. Fermentation occurs in stainless tanks before the double distillation begins. The first distillation happens on Cascahuin’s stainless steel alembic still wtih a copper coil and the 2nd distillation takes place on the copper alembic with copper coil which brings the Tequila up to 55% abv. Proofed with the deep well water on site, the Tequila takes the critical time to stabliize for 15-30 day in stainless before being placed into American Oak, ex Bourbon Sherry Cask and French Oak ex Cognac Martell VSOP single fill barrels… left to age for 120 days. The bottling occurs after a 30 day stabilization in stainless steel tanks, brought to 40% abv, then bottled and labeled by hand.
The nose is really amazing, agave, vanilla, butterscotch, caramel, leather, followed by sweet cooked agave. On the palate a very round, soft mouth feel, again flavors of sweet cooked agave, butterscotch and light floral and fruity notes, soft round finish. Delightful sip.
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