Aman Tequila Reposado 750ml




Aman Tequila Reposado 750ml
AMAN Tequila will represent the first Tequila distillery to be built in Nayarit. Only 5% of agaves come from this region of Mexico for the production of Tequila. AMAN means dependability and trustworthiness. All of Aman tequila’s agaves are estate owned in Ahuacatlan and Ixtlan Del Rio, Nayarit. The soils are a combination of mineral rich clay and ultisol with average PH of 6.8 to produce agaves of 32% brix average at 1200 meters elevation. AMAN ’s cooking process includes low pressure autoclave, roller mill, stainless steel fermentation with organic yeast and copper distillation.
Aman Reposado
Aged in American and French oak barrels. Notes of butter scotch and vanilla with an abundant agave notes


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