Wild Common Tequila Reposado 750ml
Our reposado is lightly aged in American bourbon barrels hand selected by the team. Agave is the star of the show and has been elegantly blended with the characteristics of natural oak barrels. Notes of vanilla, fresh roasted pecans, and honey come through. Balanced in its presentation, there are hints of dark fruits like raisins and dates, framed by the sweetness of the agave. Building off the incredible foundation of our blanco, Master Distiller Salvador Rosales Trejo – aka “Chava”, has shown finesse and expertise in balancing these complex aromas and flavors, leaving the taster with a warm comforting feeling.
Alex Saumell –
Very smooth tasting
Dan Walker –
I was introduced to Wild Common by Jay Bear via Instagram. I was looking for a great-tasting reposado to try, and this did not disappoint. Jay said its one of his favorites and its not become one of mine! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking to try a great tequila! Thanks JAY!!
Jdlehman25 –
As a HUGE Fortaleza fan, I have to say this Resposado is in a league of it’s own. All I can say is WOW! Buy more than 1!!!!!
Robert –
Delicious tequila juice at a fair price. Definitely worth the price, drink it straight up and let it breathe a bit!
Unknown –
Both the blanco and repo (and all their products) are top notch 1st tier products. Highly recommended.